
6 - Parasyte Live Action


Is eradicating human existence the only thing we can do to save the Earth? 

What if this happens in real life? SCARY! I think it would be the end of human existence.

I was just planning to watch the movie after I saw the trailer and then I heard that we will be going to make a review for this movie. My original plan was to watch the anime first and then the live action but due to time constraints I wasn't able to watch the anime. 

I am a fan of this kind of movies and I love this one. It gave me chills while watching. 

So the movie began with a questions about humanity and its existence. 
The parasyte looked like a sperm cell. Hahaha!

That picture was the scene before the title was introduced. I did not expect that scene because I have no idea what parasyte is. It made me jump a bit out of my seat.

I find Migi cute as in really cute and in my opinion I think his lips is a bit similar to Jynx from pokemon. I LOVE MIGI HE'S SO ADORABLE AND I WANT A STUFF TOY OF HIM!

I find the three other parasyte mysterious and scary especially the woman. I think she is capable of doing anything and also I believe she's going to solve the problem between the human and parasyte.

The part where his mother turned into a parasyte is sad because earlier he had a fight with his mother. It's hard to believe that your mother is now your enemy and you have to kill your own mother. 
I though he was going to die and that there is another protagonist.

Shinichi and Satomi are both adorable. At first sight of Shinichi I thought he doesn't look handsome but as I watch the movie I find him handsome and for Satomi she is really pretty and lovely.

There were a lot of scenes that gives thrill and excitement to the viewers and I won't elaborate it anymore because I don't want to spoil the whole movie. I can't wait to watch the second part of the movie.

"If the number of humans could be reduced by half... possible number of forest burnt by half? If the amount of a human being than a hundred, could existing waste become one in a hundred, too?" 


5 - Turn Left Turn Right

Ugh! This movie is a definition of what's meant to be will always find a way

It's a story of two people finding a way to see each other again. 

They were few inches away from each other and yet they never met. They live in the same street and the same compound but they actually never see each other. Like seriously? Why? hahaha. And also they've been through the same places everyday. It's like so close and yet so far. They have faced too many obstacles in order to see each other. It's a cliche that they have exchanged numbers but they got smudge by the rain just like what happened before, they have the chance but they lost it. They have tried calling and guessing each others number but they can't get it right. And then there were two people who tried separating them but in the end the two people who tried separating them ends up together. The moment they are about to give up that's the time they were given a chance to finally call and see each other.

And thanks to the earthquake they finally meet again...


There were a lot of ALMOST in this movie. Like when you thought they are going to finally see each other but in the end they don't. The girl lives in the apartment at the left side of the street while the boy lives in the apartment at the right side of the street. As the title says Turn Left Turn Right when the other one goes to the left side the other goes to the right side that's why they haven't seen each other even if they were neighbors.

Maybe it's destiny that brings them together but the problem is they don't notice it.


"Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still."

"Life’s full of coincidences, even two parallel lines might some day meet."

"Life is full of surprises. The kite you’re flying might suddenly sail away"

This one is my favorite line:

"If two people meet and they both fall in love, that's destiny for sure. If neither loves the other, even if they meet millions of times, it's still not destiny. If one's in love and the other isn't, and the one who's in love grabs on and won't let go while the other just wants to run away, not only is it not destiny... It's pain."


Love at First Sight
Wislawa Szymborska

Both are convinced
that a sudden surge of emotion bound them together.
Beautiful is such a certainty,
but uncertainty is more beautiful.

Because they didn't know each other earlier, they suppose that
nothing was happening between them.
What of the streets, stairways and corridors
where they could have passed each other long ago?

I'd like to ask them
whether they remember-- perhaps in a revolving door
ever being face to face?
an "excuse me" in a crowd
or a voice "wrong number" in the receiver.
But I know their answer:
no, they don't remember.

They'd be greatly astonished
to learn that for a long time
chance had been playing with them.

Not yet wholly ready
to transform into fate for them
it approached them, then backed off,
stood in their way
and, suppressing a giggle,
jumped to the side.

There were signs, signals:
but what of it if they were illegible.
Perhaps three years ago,
or last Tuesday
did a certain leaflet fly
from shoulder to shoulder?
There was something lost and picked up.
Who knows but what it was a ball
in the bushes of childhood.

There were doorknobs and bells
on which earlier
touch piled on touch.
Bags beside each other in the luggage room.
Perhaps they had the same dream on a certain night,
suddenly erased after waking.

Every beginning
is but a continuation,
and the book of events
is never more than half open.

translated by Walter Whipple 


3 - Heneral Luna

I first heard about Heneral Luna at APC. I was able to attend the previewing at the auditorium. When I saw the preview the first thing that came in to my mind is the quality of the movie. After seeing the preview I told my friends that we should watch the movie because I thought it will be a good movie.

I wasn't able to watch the movie at the date of showing and the following week. I just watched the movie last Saturday dated September 26 because I heard the movie would be pulled out 3 days later so I immediately called my friends to accompany me to watch the movie. 

The movie is awesome! It offers you different genres like comedy, action, suspense, mystery, etc. This is the first time I have watched a historical action movie that is funny. Most of historical movies are serious. The movie made me laugh and mad at the same time, like a crazy woman. And I would want to congratulate the actors for portraying the characters very well. 

The movie showed what kind of person is Heneral Luna. That he is also a human that has flaws and commits mistake. Luna almost gave up but thanks to his comrades for giving him strength to push through. It shows that heroes aren't perfect.

I got really mad at Aguinaldo and Buencamino because they are the traitors. They are the one's that killed Heneral Luna, for me, based on their illogical reasoning. As you can see Buencamino was there when Luna was killed and he didn't even do anything to stop them. He's also one of those idiots who gave Aguinaldo a false information. And as for Aguinaldo I don't believe his reasons, I think it's a lie. I think during that time Luna was the only hope of the army and the country. I blame all those bullshits (sorry for the word but they deserve that) who killed Luna for the reason that we are under Americans. Actually my friend got teary eyed at the part where Heneral Luna was mercilessly killed by those bullshits.

I guess the director of the movie did the great job in sending a message and giving a knowledge to all Filipinos. I am really looking forward to the next movie and I hope the movie would be awesome like this or even more awesome. If you haven't watch the movie please do watch it at cinema and for students they have a 50% discount. We must support Filipino movies like this.

Our heroes offered their life to the country and we must not waste their efforts. 


2 - Grave of the Fireflies - Summary and Review

Grave of the Fireflies is a Japanese animated movie. The movie shows how people struggle to live during a war. The time setting of the movie is during the World War II.

The movie begins with Seita starving to death at a train station. Then it shows Seita and Setusko's spirit riding a traing and having a flashback.

The flashback begins with the family preparing to leave their house because there will be an attack from the enemy. The mother of the two kids was the first one to leave since she has a heart ailment and needs to get ahead first. Seita, the older brother, hid all the food under the ground and he is the one who carries his sister, Setsuko. Seita took the responsibility to take good care of his mother and sister because his father is working as a Captain of the Navy.

The attack of the enemies began before Seita and Setsuko leave the house. So that's why they have to run to different direction to avoid the bombs. And then the bombing ceased.

There were a lot of people who died and injured. Setsuko and Seita went to the first aid station and there they met their mother's friend and told Seita that his mother was injured.

Setsuko was left outside the building together with her mother's friend. When Seita returned, Setsuko said she also wanted to see her mom but Seita doesn't want her to see their mom in that condition so he refused. And then Setsuko started crying and it broke my heart when I saw her crying and how her brother is trying to hide the pain. 

They went to their Aunt's house and stayed there. Their aunt is a widow and has one daughter and one son. Seita went back to see his mother but she already passed away. Seita told their aunt that their mother is already dead and told her not to tell Setsuko. Setsuko keeps on saying she want to see her mom but Seita says that their mother is away to a far hospital. 

Seita managed to get all of the things he burried in their house and gives it to his aunt for their food supply. Everything went well with Seita and Setsuko they managed to live like normal kids playing around. 

Seita also found Setsuko's favorite:


As time passes by the food supply they have can no longer feed all of them, so the aunt asked Seita if they could sell their mother's cloth in exchange of rice. Seita agreed but Setsuko disagrees and pulls her mother's cloth away from her aunt. Seita hugged her and told her to let go and so the cloth was sold. It shows how much Setsuko love her mother. The aunt divided the rice and gave them one small jar.

The aunt still feed them and Setsuko was very happy to finally eat rice. After a few days their aunt has turned into a monster and keeps the food away from them. Setsuko told her aunt that it was their rice and the aunt got mad and told to them cook their own food. 

Seita got mad at his aunt and went to the bank to withdraw some of the savings their mother to buy utensil. Setsuko who seems to feel their aunt's wickedness said she doesn't want to live there anymore. Seita always give Setsuko her favorite candy fruit drops to make her happy. The fruit drops are all gone and Seita just fill the can with water and gave it to Setsuko so she can still taste the candy. That scene broke my heart it's hard to see two kids struggling that way. 

They left their aunt's house and lived in a bomb shelter, which seems to be like a cave.

The first night is so magical, they have gathered all fireflies to light the cave.

Then the next day they saw all the fireflies are dead.

Seita noticed Setsuko burying all the dead fireflies and asked what she's doing. She told him that she's making a grave for them just like their mother. And as you notice Setsuko already knew that their mother is dead and the one who told her is their aunt. Having heard that Seita cried. 

The war is not yet over and the supply of food they have are all gone. They ate anything around them that seems to be edible. When the enemies attack their place Seita goes to some of the houses to steal food and things but it isn't enough. Then Setsuko got diarrhea and Seita still continues to steal. Setsuko is getting weaker and sicker as time passes by.

Seita got caught stealing and was beaten by an old man, Setsuko saw that and ran to his brother and asks him to go to see a doctor. There Seita cried so hard as he sees his little sister so thin and so sick. Seita decided to withdraw all their money in the bank and overheard that the captain of navy is dead. So they are already orphans. Seita brought Setsuko to the hospital and the doctor told him that she needs nutrition. 

As they were heading back to the cave Setsuko said she's thirsty and then Seita saw a man  slicing an ice and he made her drink the shaved ice that fell from the slicing of the ice. 
It is really sad how the kids struggle to survive and how desperate they are to eat and drink. 

Seita decided to work to earn money and to buy all the food necessary to keep Setsuko nourish. When he arrived home he saw Setsuko resting. Setsuko looks really weak. Seita noticed that Setsuko was chewing something and saw that she was eating marbles, she actually thinks it's fruit drops. It seems like she's hallucinating already and her eyes looks dead. Seita gets the marble inside her mouth and went to get the watermelon. Setsuko rolls over and hands Seita rocks and told him to eat those rice balls. She's really hallucinating and almost out of her mind maybe it's because of starvation. Seita cried and fed her watermelon. Setsuko said thank you to Seita maybe for all the things he has done for her. 

And then...

I cried really hard and wished that Seita did work before this happens so that Setsuko doesn't have to die. 

But there's more...

The next thing showed the memories of Setsuko when her brother is away. This is the part where I cried the most. Setsuko playing jack n poy with her own reflection and hide and seek with no one. Just imagine yourself doing that alone. Isn't it sad and lonely? Then Setsuko molding the mud into a shape of food and eat it. Hunger, sadness and loneliness those are the things she experienced. A kid doesn't have to experience things like that, they should be playing, having fun and exploring. We can't blame Seita for not working things out earlier and his aunt because she's also struggling and has to survive. The war has caused this, if there was no war their mother and father would have not died. I know this is just a movie but it depresses me and gets me too emotional.

Humans should stop making war because it affects those innocent people like these kids.  
They don't deserve to die. 

The movie is so good and so depressing. I recommend that people should watch this.

                                                                                                                                                                            All the images are from google.