
5 - Turn Left Turn Right

Ugh! This movie is a definition of what's meant to be will always find a way

It's a story of two people finding a way to see each other again. 

They were few inches away from each other and yet they never met. They live in the same street and the same compound but they actually never see each other. Like seriously? Why? hahaha. And also they've been through the same places everyday. It's like so close and yet so far. They have faced too many obstacles in order to see each other. It's a cliche that they have exchanged numbers but they got smudge by the rain just like what happened before, they have the chance but they lost it. They have tried calling and guessing each others number but they can't get it right. And then there were two people who tried separating them but in the end the two people who tried separating them ends up together. The moment they are about to give up that's the time they were given a chance to finally call and see each other.

And thanks to the earthquake they finally meet again...


There were a lot of ALMOST in this movie. Like when you thought they are going to finally see each other but in the end they don't. The girl lives in the apartment at the left side of the street while the boy lives in the apartment at the right side of the street. As the title says Turn Left Turn Right when the other one goes to the left side the other goes to the right side that's why they haven't seen each other even if they were neighbors.

Maybe it's destiny that brings them together but the problem is they don't notice it.


"Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still."

"Life’s full of coincidences, even two parallel lines might some day meet."

"Life is full of surprises. The kite you’re flying might suddenly sail away"

This one is my favorite line:

"If two people meet and they both fall in love, that's destiny for sure. If neither loves the other, even if they meet millions of times, it's still not destiny. If one's in love and the other isn't, and the one who's in love grabs on and won't let go while the other just wants to run away, not only is it not destiny... It's pain."


Love at First Sight
Wislawa Szymborska

Both are convinced
that a sudden surge of emotion bound them together.
Beautiful is such a certainty,
but uncertainty is more beautiful.

Because they didn't know each other earlier, they suppose that
nothing was happening between them.
What of the streets, stairways and corridors
where they could have passed each other long ago?

I'd like to ask them
whether they remember-- perhaps in a revolving door
ever being face to face?
an "excuse me" in a crowd
or a voice "wrong number" in the receiver.
But I know their answer:
no, they don't remember.

They'd be greatly astonished
to learn that for a long time
chance had been playing with them.

Not yet wholly ready
to transform into fate for them
it approached them, then backed off,
stood in their way
and, suppressing a giggle,
jumped to the side.

There were signs, signals:
but what of it if they were illegible.
Perhaps three years ago,
or last Tuesday
did a certain leaflet fly
from shoulder to shoulder?
There was something lost and picked up.
Who knows but what it was a ball
in the bushes of childhood.

There were doorknobs and bells
on which earlier
touch piled on touch.
Bags beside each other in the luggage room.
Perhaps they had the same dream on a certain night,
suddenly erased after waking.

Every beginning
is but a continuation,
and the book of events
is never more than half open.

translated by Walter Whipple